Reference: 075040
Brand: Indasa
Reference: 075040
Brand: Indasa
Reference: RF751500
Brand: Indasa
Reference: 3M50413
Brand: 3M France - Marine Auto
Reference: FE180
Brand: Indasa
Reference: FE2500
Brand: Indasa
Primary D'ACCROCHAGE G4 SUPER 5 liters
(to be changed in the "Reinsurance" module)
(to be changed in the "Reinsurance" module)
(to be changed in the "Reinsurance" module)
Mono-component polyurethanne chemically hardens after solvent evaporation UNstabilized UV. Its implementation is done with a brush, roller.
Colors: translucent brownish.
Use: Adhesion base (primary) on polyester glass stratification or PU, on wood, stone, concrete, steel, ABS.
Locking or opening interior for: wood, concrete, concrete rubbed cement, insulation moisture-proof (wet walls).
Consumption: 250 ml/m2 (depending on porosity)
When used on concrete, unlike products used in general, the G4 offers very strong grip on metal surfaces, although the metal does not presents that relative porosity
Important features of the G4:
The hardened G4 is physiologically neutral.
It resists certain acids and solutions (recommended tests).
It is very resistant and very flexible (resistance to bending about 50%).
It can withstand more than 100 degrees Celsius.
Viscosity 220 ctp, ie very fl uide, so an easy implementation.
Flash point 26oC (aerated well because of its solvent content).
It adheres to virtually all solid media, also on old paintings and varnishes.
It adheres to all cement floors, whether porous or not.
It is covered by virtually all the paintings of the trade.
Cleaning: acetone.
Laminate hanging on wood, metal or concrete
PRIMARY OF ACCROCHAGE G4 allows a particularly strong hanging of fiberglass on wood, metal and concrete. When used correctly, the quality of the hanging is
such that in the event of a sudden separation, the rupture occurs inside the layer or inside the coated material.
Brush or roll on wooden, metal or stone surfaces. Between 1/2 hour and 4 hours after this application, complete the coating with the resin mixture - hardener and the glass mat. PRIMARY OF ACCROCHAGE G4 should be applied to wood completely removed from the varnish or on bare sheet sanded with abrasive paper. After at least 1/2 hour and maximum 4 hours, it can be covered with laminate, fiberglass - polyester and, after 6 hours at the earliest, with other paintings.
G4 ACCROCHAGE PRIMARY can be applied in several layers within 12 hours without sanding.
The tank on my bike has rust stains. What product should be used to remedy this problem?
Our G4-type mono component polyurethane varnish, which is resistant to hydrocarbons, is the most appropriate product. Pass it in several layers after cleaning the rust.
Based on 6
ATTENTION : ce produit peut être utilisé comme primaire d'accrochage mais il faut savoir qu'une fois qu'il est sec, plus rien n'accroche dessus. J'avais été très mal conseillé par une autre société GWAREZ LAB en BRETAGNE qui vendent des fibres et résines pour bateau mais n'y connaissent strictement rien en piscines
Je l'utilise depuis 20 ans, produit très performant, formidable ....avec un bémol, sa toxicité ...il faut se protéger avec un masque !
Très bon produit cela fait des années que je l’utilise
colis un peu cabossé
Pour la réno de réservoir. Rendu parfait.
Produit nickel
Reference: 134199
Brand: Soloplast
Reference: 134464
Brand: Soloplast
Reference: 126421
Brand: Soloplast
Reference: 126380
Brand: Soloplast
Reference: 126421
Brand: Soloplast
Primary D'ACCROCHAGE G4 SUPER 5 liters